Friday, December 16, 2016

Week 15: Wrapping things Up & Looking Ahead

Hey CSIT 155,
   Wow! This semester has flown by and now we are in our last week. This class has been amazing! For my second to last blog post, I will be discussing what platforms will work best for me in many different aspects. This may be a long post, enjoy, and get some tea or coffee and a snack!

  Having a beauty community related business, I feel as though the social media platforms I created in this class are the most helpful and are a great way to integrate my business and get the word out there as long as I keep posting regularly. The way I use social media for promoting myself and my business is gonna be so different from the way I used to use it. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are definitely the ones that I feel I can benefit the most from. These 4 platforms are great for me to show the visuals of my business type.
  The platforms I have enjoyed using the most have to be Instagram and YouTube! I had a YouTube channel prior to this class and got rid of it. I didn't have the confidence in myself to get the views I wanted. I know I won't get the thousands of views within weeks, but hopefully overtime I can end up making YouTube a part of my career and do freelance makeup artistry on the side. Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms besides YouTube! I love the idea of posting photos of my creations and products I suggest and love. Editing and photography are passions of mine as well as filming. I think that is why these 2 platforms are ones I will use for my business and pleasure.
 As far as daily basis, Instagram and Twitter are the ones I would use daily. I would love to use YouTube daily, but in order to do so, I would need to pre-film videos like a madwoman and editing takes forever cause I'm a perfectionist when it comes to quality of videos and photos. I do edit my photos on Instagram slightly, just to smooth out my skin cause I have texture and pore issues. Editing is one of my favorite parts of creating content for YouTube and Instagram. I try to post everyday on Instagram, whether it be product shots or makeup looks I create.
 I think for my business in the future, I should spend lots of time on social media. I feel as though our society is really hopping on the social media train and it is becoming bigger and bigger everyday, especially in the business world. A lot of customer service is moving to social media and not the normal customer service.

   I chose Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter because these are platforms that I already use or used in the past. Like I said previously, I had a YouTube channel, which I am starting up again with a different name, that I love so much better than the 1 had previously. I may use them in the next 6 months by actually posting videos and advertising them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. I want to grow my social media presence and the only way I will be able to do that is to be consistent with posting and uploading content.

Within the next month, I would like to have about 3-4 videos posted a week of makeup looks or hauls or whatever I can come up with for my YouTube channel. Hopefully if I stay consistent with promoting and uploading content to all platforms I use, I can grow my presence. I may even start with daily video blogs, so people can get to know me.  I want to try and upload around the same time on the days I choose. So I will make scheduled posts for YouTube and Facebook. Also as soon as it goes live on YouTube, I will post on Twitter and Instagram to get the word out.  I will also make sure to have content ready and edited in advance to schedule for the upcoming weeks if I get busy and can't film prior.

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