Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Week 10: Email Newsletter

Hey CSIT 155,
   Today's blog is all about email newsletters and how they can work for my business and how often I should send them in my opinion. Let's get started..
    The one thing I learned about email lists through both the book and the lecture from this week is that my company could use newsletters via emails to promote specials during the holidays,prom season, homecomings and other special occasions. I could use them to promote offers and deals for my company. The way I would use email newsletters is to promote special deals around the high school dances, homecoming or prom, as well as wedding season.  I would probably only use the newsletters as a welcome news letter, possibly a birthday or anniversary promotion, and then the special events/occasions.
   Reading the chapter and lecture, I learned that email newsletters can be annoying if you send them out too much. I would only use this in the ways I stated above.

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