Friday, October 21, 2016

Week 6: Intro to Facebook Strategy for KyleeMUA Part 1

       So for this post I am going to share with you the business I have chosen to like as my business page and why I chose the pages I chose. Let's get started...

1. Morphe  Brushes
2. Makeup Geek Cosmetics
3. Colourpop Cosmetics
4. Toofaced Cosmestices
5. Wet'N'Wild Beauty
6. KathleenLights
7. Jaclyn Hill
        The reason I chose these 7 pages is because I feel that can help build my business in a way of not only PR purposes such as the 5 cosmetic brands I chose. Also in the way that I chose 2 beauty Youtubers that I not only love to watch and follow, I feel that I can connect with them in a personal way to help me in growing my business and how to do that with all the craziness that comes along in the beauty industry. Jaclyn Hill, if you are unfamiliar, is a professional makeup artist who used to work for MAC Cosmetics and Sephora. She is now a beauty Youtuber with over 3 million subscribers and counting. She is someone I relate to and can see as a good potential friend in the business. Kathleen Lights is a beauty Youtuber as well with over 2 million Youtube subscribers and she is very down to earth and real. Both Jaclyn and Kathleen are very honest and I feel that if I were to reach out to them and show them a look I created, they would give me honest feed back.

   I will use this Facebook feature to help in connecting with other companies and brands for possible PR and a way to grow my business within the beauty community. I will use this as a way to show how I can create different looks not only on myself but on others as well. I would love to use this as a platform to kickstart my freelance makeup artist career.

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