Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hello CSIT 155,
     My name is Kylee Grice and Welcome to my blog!
     I choose the ethereal template. I thought this template was very unique and fun. I wanted a template for my blog that had some personality but still classy and business appropriate. I feel as thought this ethereal design is perfect, everything from the colors to the outline of the template.
     Another reason I chose this template is because I think if I were to create a blog for myself not class related this is one that I would go toward. The layout is easy to figure out and I have read a lot blogs that can be complicated with the template and layout. I wanted to make it easy to read and get around. If I had a blog and wanted it to get views, I would want a template that is easy to figure out and read, along with the details and pictures of whatever the blog is about.
     The final reason I chose the ethereal template is it caught my attention right away, which I think is a great thing when it comes to a blog. If it's not eye-catching who would want to read it. Certainly not me. I like blogs that have personality and class which is why I chose the ethereal template. Classy yet colorful and easy to read with a tad bit of personality and pops of color.


  1. Kylee!

    Excellent selection for your blog template, as well as a wonderful description as to why. I completely agree this particular template has both personality and class, and could easily be used for business or pleasure. Great job!



  2. Howdy Kylee.

    Your blog template is eye catching. Between your profile pic and the colors, it creates a sense of peace and grace. In my opinion, those are attributes of someone who is centered and knowledgeable. Great start for a blog. -Sandy

  3. Hey Kylee, your template is unique and interesting, but still simple at heart. It gives a warm feeling when looking at it maybe it's just me. I really dig it, and hopefully I'll get to click on it again soon.

  4. I like your choice of templates as well. I chose the same one. I agree with you that it is eye catching and classy.
